1 justificar
v.to justify (gen) & (Imprenta).Ella justifica a su hijo She justifies her son.Ella justifica su proceder She justifies her actions.Ella justifica el texto She justifies the text.Su acción justifica el premio His action justifies=merits the award.* * *1 (acción) to justify2 (persona) to excuse\justificarse con alguien to apologize to somebody* * *verb* * *1. VT1) (=explicar) to account for, explaintendrá que justificar su ausencia del trabajo — she will have to account for o explain her absence from work
el gobierno no pudo justificar el aumento del gasto — the government was unable to account for o explain the increase in expenditure
2) (=excusar) [+ decisión, comportamiento] to justify, excusenada justifica tal violencia — nothing can justify o excuse such violence
es un criminal y no pretendo justificarlo — he's a criminal and I'm not trying to make excuses for him
3) (Inform, Tip) to justify2.See:* * *1.verbo transitivo1)a) persona <ausencia/acción> to justifyc) situación/circunstancia to justifyeso no justifica su actitud — that does not justify o that is no excuse for her attitude
2) (Impr) to justify2.justificarse v pron to justify oneself, excuse oneself* * *= build + a case for, justify, make + apology, warrant, justify, excuse, vindicate.Ex. Then, with a kind of energetic abruptness, Bough said that they could try to build a case for keeping the budget intact.Ex. The time has arrived when it is more appropriate to ask why cataloguing is still conducted on a manual basis, rather than to seek to justify the use of computers in cataloguing.Ex. My perspective, for which I make no apology, is that of someone who works daily with the nitty-gritty of cataloging, as many of you do.Ex. Such broad selection may also warrant the use of go-and stop-lists.Ex. The weaknesses of the cold-metal machines were that they did not justify the lines automatically as part of the type-setting process.Ex. Librarians could be excused for wondering if there is any role for them to play in the virtual library environment.Ex. The relevance to a local library situation of British Library Lending Division data on periodical usage is vindicated.----* el fin justifica los medios = the end justifies the means.* justificar a la derecha = justify + right.* justificar Algo = argue + Posesivo + corner.* justificar el esfuerzo = justify + the effort.* justificar la existencia = justify + Posesivo + existence.* justificar la necesidad de = justify + the case for.* sin justificar = unjustified.* * *1.verbo transitivo1)a) persona <ausencia/acción> to justifyc) situación/circunstancia to justifyeso no justifica su actitud — that does not justify o that is no excuse for her attitude
2) (Impr) to justify2.justificarse v pron to justify oneself, excuse oneself* * *= build + a case for, justify, make + apology, warrant, justify, excuse, vindicate.Ex: Then, with a kind of energetic abruptness, Bough said that they could try to build a case for keeping the budget intact.
Ex: The time has arrived when it is more appropriate to ask why cataloguing is still conducted on a manual basis, rather than to seek to justify the use of computers in cataloguing.Ex: My perspective, for which I make no apology, is that of someone who works daily with the nitty-gritty of cataloging, as many of you do.Ex: Such broad selection may also warrant the use of go-and stop-lists.Ex: The weaknesses of the cold-metal machines were that they did not justify the lines automatically as part of the type-setting process.Ex: Librarians could be excused for wondering if there is any role for them to play in the virtual library environment.Ex: The relevance to a local library situation of British Library Lending Division data on periodical usage is vindicated.* el fin justifica los medios = the end justifies the means.* justificar a la derecha = justify + right.* justificar Algo = argue + Posesivo + corner.* justificar el esfuerzo = justify + the effort.* justificar la existencia = justify + Posesivo + existence.* justificar la necesidad de = justify + the case for.* sin justificar = unjustified.* * *justificar [A2 ]vtA1 «persona» ‹ausencia/acción› to justifyjustificó su ausencia diciendo que … he justified o excused his absence by saying that …2 (disculpar) ‹persona› to find o make excuses for3 «situación/circunstancia» to justifyno justifica su actitud it does not justify her attitude, it is no excuse for her attitudesus sospechas no estaban justificadas his suspicions were not justifiedtrabajar por tan poco dinero no se justifica working for such low wages just isn't worth itB ( Impr) to justifyto justify oneself, excuse oneselfno intentes justificarte don't try to justify yourself o make excuses for yourselfyo no tengo por qué justificarme por algo que no he hecho I have no reason to apologize for something I did not do* * *
justificar ( conjugate justificar) verbo transitivo
sus sospechas no estaban justificadas his suspicions were not justified;
trabajar por tan poco no se justifica it isn't worth working for so little
justificarse verbo pronominal
to justify oneself, excuse oneself
justificar verbo transitivo to justify
' justificar' also found in these entries:
account for
- condone
- excuse
- justify
- leg
- legitimate
- vindicate
- warrant
* * *♦ vt1. [probar] to justify;justifiqué todos los gastos I accounted for all the expenses2. [hacer admisible] to justify;con sus treinta goles justificó el costo de su fichaje his thirty goals justified o made up for the size of his transfer feeque estuviera cansado no justifica su comportamiento the fact that he was tired doesn't justify o excuse his behaviour4. Imprenta to justify* * *v/t2 TIP justify* * *justificar {72} vt1) : to justify2) : to excuse, to vindicate* * *justificar vb to justify [pt. & pp. justified]
См. также в других словарях:
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Ópera francesa — La Comédie Française durante el siglo XVIII. La ópera francesa es el arte de la ópera cantada en francés y que se desarrolla en Francia. Francia tiene una de las tradiciones operísticas más importantes de Europa, con obras de compositores… … Wikipedia Español
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